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Zanzibar Water Authority (ZAWA) was established in 2006 by virtue of section 3(1) of the Water Act No. 4 of 2006 as a semi-autonomous entity responsible for the overall management of water resources and water supply in Zanzibar. Thus, the Authority has an overall responsibility of providing clean, reliable, and good quality water supplies through the operation and maintenance of water infrastructure and development of new water works in urban and rural areas of Unguja and Pemba Islands. The Authority is also vested with obligation of proposing to ZURA water tariffs to be collected as revenue from water supply so as to meet all direct and indirect costs of operation and maintenance including extension of minor services.

  • Strategic Objective A: Water resources management strengthened;
  • Strategic Objective B: Water service provision improved;
  • Strategic Objective C: Commercial and customer services improved;
  • Strategic Objective D: Financial sustainability enhanced;
  • Strategic Objective E: Institutional capacity strengthened; and
  • Strategic Objective F: Governance processes and accountability improved
The main functions of the Authority are:
  • To control, manage and protect all catchment areas and shall have mandate to take legal actions against any person or body of persons in violation of, or disturbing or encroaching the catchment areas;
  • To secure the continued supply of water in the country;
  • To develop and maintain waterworks plan and execute new projects for supply of water;
  • To promote the conservation and proper use of water resources;
  • To manage production and distribution of water on sustainable basis;
  • To advise the Government in formulation of policies relating to the development and conservation of water;
  • To collect fees for water supplied and services offered to consumers
  • To enter into any transaction which in the opinion of the Board will facilitate the proper exercise of the functions of the Authority
  • To perform any other function in pursuit of the provisions of the Water Act No. 4 of 2006.

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